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stunning and affordable composite cladding boards.
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Our Best Sellers This YearWhat is Composite cladding?
Composite cladding refers to a building material used to cover the exterior walls of a structure. It is composed of two or more distinct materials combined to create a product with enhanced properties and performance. The primary purpose of composite cladding is to provide an attractive and protective layer for the building while offering benefits such as durability, low maintenance, and sometimes improved insulation.
Designed for optimal functionality, composite cladding exhibits superior water resistance compared to timber cladding, remaining impervious to warping in varying temperatures and wet conditions. It boasts immunity to rot, splintering, and is impervious to termites and other pests that commonly afflict wooden products.
With multiple styles and colours to choose from, Manhatta Project offers a versatile and aesthetically pleasing solution that can effortlessly elevate the visual appeal of your project, ensuring a perfect blend of functionality and design excellence at competitive prices.
Low Maintenance
Our composite cladding doesn’t ever need to be stained, sanded, sealed or painted – so you can spend more time enjoying your brand-new cladding and less time maintaining it.
Fade and Stain Resistant
You won’t need to worry about material defects, splinters or rot damage. Our composite cladding boards are tough enough to resist mould, mildew and stains.
Excellent Warranties
Our ranges of cladding boards come with a generous 25-year residential warranty. Our cladding boards also benefit from fade and stain cover. Our smooth cladding range has a 10-year warranty.